Important things you should do when you catch cold:
1. Know the Symptoms
The symptoms of cold can be easily recognize. If your nose does a hard effort to breath, or you aren't feeling well, or experiencing a small headache, you may catch a cold. Another symptom is when you're feeling strangely cold in an Air Conditioned room.
2. Take a Longer Rest
When you catch cold, your body feels weak and unable to think clearly. So, you'll need more rest than usual. Maybe add 2 more hours on your bedtime. By sleeping earlier, your body will recover more.
3. Tea is The Best Against Flu
We're lucky humans had found tea hundreds of years ago. Tea is very useful for your body because of its warmth and relaxing feelings. Drink 1 cup of hot tea everyday should make you feel better and feel more conscious.
4. Get some Heat
What I mean is you should increase your body temperature. I think this is recommended for all people catching cold. Cold is usually followed by fever, so in order to get rid of the fever, go get sweated!! Exercising or drinking hot drinks will increase your body temperature and makes you sweat more. More sweat comes out means more heat released from your body. Thus, it will get rid of the fever.
5. Make Your Nose Easier to Breath
The implication isn't by making your nose hole bigger. When you catch cold, usually you'll find it very hard to breath. It's because one of your nose holes is blocked by a pile of frozen mucus that disables you from breathing easily. You can make your nose easier to breath by crushing the pile. That could be done by many ways :
a. Generate some heat. You can only crush the pile of mucus by using heat. You could drink hot tea or use nose drop to melt the stacked mucus.
b. Exercise will also generate some heat to your body.
c. use blanket when you're sleeping in air conditioned room
d. Taking a sauna will probably solve the problem.
Writer's Experience :
I'm writing this post after I recovered from 3-days cold without any medicine. Believe me that cold doesn't have a cure, but the best cure for cold is a rest and tea.
Important Notes
- Exercise will be effective when you feel a bit better or you had gain some strength
- Sleep Blanketless will only make your mucus freeze faster and harder to crush, it makes you harder to breath in the morning
- At the third day of my flu, I slept 2.5 hours longer and woke up with great shape!!
- Nose drop is an acid liquid that capable of melting frozen mucus
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