this kind of money-making method is quite famous nowadays. Earning money from forums could be an alternative for people with no websites or blogs and love writing. there are many forums out there which offer us dollars just by discussing topics or giving replies.
I'll introduce you to MyLot, a website where you can earn money from forums, which is MyLot itself.
I choose this website because it's not a scam, and it pays honestly for years.
I myself have earned $2.5 in a week and of course, you have to discuss or reply things there to earn money.
So, to make it short, earning money from MyLot is quite advantageous.
Below's the link to register.
There are several tips if you want to earn money from forums :
1. Start a good disscusion that attracts many people (maybe the latest news or anything) if you want to earn big money from forums
2. never reply-scamming. I mean, not replying by "thanks for your reply", or "that's good, I agree", and anything else that only cost you a line.
3. At least 4 lines to reply or starting a disscussion. that way, you'll not be referred as scam.
4. Never put any referral links from any websites. your comments or disscussions will be erased along with the money.
5. MyLot gives us minimum $0.01 for replying or starting a topic. this could vary depending on your place ( I think US and Canada get the most )
6. If you want to earn more money from forums, refer somebody. you'll get 25% comission each referral in MyLot
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