Storm Strikes Jupiter

As we all know, storm is a kind of disturbancs in the atmosphere causing strong wind
and changing weather. A windstorm could cause a great loss to the are where the storm strike because it could generates tornadoes.
The strongest storm ever occured on earth is the Camille in 1969. a wind speed so strong (190 mph) across Cuba, Missisipi, until it reached United States caused a massive damage with total loss of 8.4 million dollars.

However, instead of storms on earth, they also occur on other planet. The storms on other planet are no match than on earth. The greatest storm ever recorded is on Jupiter with 348 mph of wind speed. Well, enough power to put a hole onto your body...

The storm was called Little Red Spot (LRS), because from earth, it looks like a little red spot. It occured in 1998 when 2 minor storms crushed each other and then strike the third wave of storm in 2000. LRS has been keeping on increasing its speed until 400 mph. The unique thing about LRS is its colour. It is unreasonably RED coloured !!!

NASA still haven't found the truth yet about this strange phenomenon. They suspect the intensity and wind speed of LRS also carries gaseous materials from the planet's surface and it turns red when ultraviolet ray hits it.

It's a good thing we humans don't live on Jupiter. ^_^


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