Overacting Exercise, Sudden turn on the knee can cause twisted knee
It was very painful and making you unable to walk properly for several weeks. So, to treat this twisted-knee-thingy, you should :
1. When you twist your knee, carefully return the patella to its former places
2. Use any knee holder to hold the patella from moving again.
3. Don't try to stand up or straighten your leg as it can twist again !!
4. ask help to take you to the nearest hospital. Do the rontgen!!
5. This is the scary part!! If the Ligament were torn badly, the doctor might ask for an operation sewing your patella to the ligament. But, it's seldom. So, usually, it's okay and you may go home
6. You aren't able to WALK yet!!! Use walking stick or anything to support your walk. remember! NO EXERCISING!!!
7. You can use any painkillers to withstand the pain.
8. As time goes by, try to train your leg to walk properly
9. More or less one and a half month later, you can walk or exercise...
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