Arts of Mental Disease : Shizropenia

This disease isn't too popular among any diseases and also it doesn't occur often. But, this mental disease caught up my attention when I read an article about it. Well, according to my research, It's a mental disorder.

Shizropenia is one of many mental diseases. More common than any mental illnesses, I should say. Shizropenia is derivated from the words "splitting of mind". Shizropenic (people who's infected with shizropenia) suffers their mind very much. They tend to hear voices in their minds, also voices from famous people. They have bad relationship with families and tend to follow the voices they hear in their minds.
I don't know if shizropenic is somehow related to eccentric

The cause of this disease still remains unknown. Scientists believe that parents genotype play a role in the onset of shizropenia. Another research shows neurotransmitters, chemical substances in our brains, are in abnormal levels.

Healing methods such as psychotherapy might cure this illness.

A little info I got here. Hope it's useful. Speaking of eccentrics, I'll tell you guys more about it in my next post


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