Me and my family ran out of our house, followed by neighbours and people around us. The earthquake occured about one and a half minute. We were hoping it won't get any stronger than this. Thank god, it stopped.
A few minutes after the earthquake, a news appeared on my TV telling that the center of the earthquake is about 140km from my place. "phew", I relieved. It was far, but the effects hit through us far away from the center of the earthquake. The next minute, breaking news on TV reported that it was 7.3 Ritcher-scale Earthquake.
I shocked, but also felt sympathy to all people living at the center of the earthquake. 7.3 Ritcher-scale earthquake will surely damage buildings and even bring them down. Tomorrow, I read from newspaper which informed readers about the survivor of the earthquake. It told not only earthquake, but also landslide breaking the ground, burying people inside it.
Never have thought in my head that an earthquake will occured today. No one wants it, but only God who can create the impossible and outhinking
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