It's about handwriting. From handwriting, we can recognize anybody's charater, behaviour, feelings, and problems they are facing. This technique was one of ways of psychology in human behaviour. Handwriting analyzing has been used from a long time ago. In Germany, when Nazi was still a total controller of the nation, Leaders of many countries, parties use Hitler's handwriting to find his weakness. Don't know if it worked or not. Beside in German, The technique of handwrting was used in CIA, FBI, and other intels.
Germany and United States have a few university already inserting this in their faculty, especially psychology. In my country, Handwriting analyzing isn't too popular. The faculty of psychology only have it as one of technique in describing people. Many doubts it isn't psychology at all. More like parapsychology, a science related in forecasting.
Few examples of this techinque :
1. From the gradient of words, Problems appear when they write in italic. Right-direction italic is normal, but left-direction italic more than 10 degrees wide is showing that they have problems,
2. The sharpness of their handwriting shows their emotion. If they write the end of letters with sharp scratch, it shows that they were angry about something
3. Teenagers these days write in mid position. It shows that they only think about today besides the future. People wrting in high position or writing to upper direction has a mind always thinking about future.
Many more techniques described in handwritings. I think this skill is useful for parents knowing their children's potential ability.
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