Facts About Dreams

There are many facts about dreams. Dream is a place where we can be whatever we want do whatever we desire. Nowadays, people consider dream is related to our "unconscious mind". Our mind in this state is greater than our mind when we wake up. People often don't want to wake up or even shocked in the night and might get briliant ideas just because of dreams.


The facts about dreams :
1. Blind people dream sightless. They don't see, but they dream about feelings, emotions, and sounds.
2. After getting up for about 5 minutes, you'll forget 50% of your dreams. The next five minutes will be almost totally blank for you.
3. Everyone dream in their sleep, except for several serious illness
4. People often woken up while enjoying their dreams have bad temper, halucination, and also cause some emotional disturbance.
5. While dreaming, your body can't follow your dream. If you are chased by riot in your dream, your body won't follow your movement in your dream. This is caused of electric impulses were not transferred to our brain, but to our spine.
6. Babies don't dream about themselves until they are three. Between the ages of 3 to 8, they have nightmares more often than adults. That explain why babies often cries the moment after they wake up.

So, you see that dreams occur when we enter our unconscious mind in our sleep. Brain never run out of dreams because research prove that brain has outstanding memory to record everything we sense.


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