Fixing Frozen Taskbar and Icons (again)

My last post about freezing taskbar and icons seems did nothing better. the problem kept appear everytime I boot my computer. So, I've figured out how to fix this problem. Know that this is for non-antivirus user and still left a little problem

Firstly, Start your computer. if the taskbar and desktop icons still freeze, don't try to restart your computer, as it'll do no good.

Secondly, go to task manager (ctrl+alt+del) and open the Processes Tab. There, you'll see many .exe files running. search for explorer.exe and click end process.

Thirdly, your desktop will be out of icons and taskbar but leaves the task manager running. Then, click files in the task manager, then new task. type explorer and enter.

Fourthly, your taskbar and icons will respond again. (hooray....)

What I say about a little problems is that it doesn't last forever. You still get the problem everytime you boot and you have to do the process above.

For antivirus user, better scan for viruses. Most likely it's a virus.


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